“One” – an exhibition of works by Małgorzata Jabłońska and Bogna Jarzemska-Misztalska
On May 29, at the Hugonówka gallery at the Konstanciński House of Culture, an exhibition of two extraordinary artists following their own path was opened: Małgorzata Jabłońska and Bogna Jarzemska-Misztalska. It is a journey beyond the boundaries of patterns and long-established paths, towards unexpected associations and surprising forms.

The very title of the exhibition can be read in many ways: when we turn to the Polish language, a personal pronoun comes to mind indicating a group of, for example, women who constitute a community through which a similar energy speaks. On the other hand, in English, the name of the exhibition can be interpreted as “one” unique moment in life that is an inspiration or a creative impulse.
“We talk about the world expressing the same values – we are fascinated by beauty, nature,harmony, but also the dynamics of life. We speak with a strong, yet feminine voice. We gently move the strings of the viewer’s imagination so that he would like to be saturated with the surrounding world and see in it what is worth attention: beauty, peace, fleeting moments, or the dynamics of the developing and vibrant nature – says Małgorzata Jabłońska.

What else do the artists have in common? In addition to the energy of creation, it is worth emphasizing that both ladies have been appreciated abroad: Małgorzata Jabłońska has exhibited her works, among others in the USA, Great Britain, Portugal and Italy. In turn, the works of Bogna Jarzemska-Misztalska decorate palaces and government buildings in Saudi Arabia. Moreover, both artists use their own, unique, self-developed language. Therefore, Małgorzata Jabłońska creates ephemeral, seemingly fleeting sculptures made of banana bark, which take on non-obvious, unreal forms. The artist’s hallmark is also transparent silk paintings, through which the power of nature and airy beauty permeate. Bogna Jarzemska-Misztalska has developed a unique form of expressing emotions through works covered with colored glazes, fired at 1000 ° C, which before thermal treatment create completely different colors than when taken out of the oven. The effect is unpredictable and revealing every time, just like nature itself.

The music of Natalia Kukulska, a vocalist chosen not by accident, was the perfect complement to the works of both artists on the opening day: Natalia Kukulska sings about life, about being a woman. She is a singer with her own style that complements the art that each of us creates. The energy of her works and stage performances is akin to our work. Natalia Kukulska easily tells our shared stories with her vocal and musical language – says Małgorzata Jabłońska.

The exhibition of works by Małgorzata Jabłońska and Bogna Jarzemska-Misztalska is female energy in its purest form; full of non-obvious contradictions, inspiring power that allows the recipient to stop in the big city noise and reach into their own subconscious in order to reveal hidden visions, longings and desires from it. “One” is sure to help you take the first step on this journey!

Written By Joanna Bielas