As the Berber men hover clay, conical-shaped tagine pots, the fragrant aromas of lamb, garlic and lemons waft through the sun-drenched air. The smoke from the charcoal fire creates a haze, a hint of mystery accentuated by the shadows cast…
As the Berber men hover clay, conical-shaped tagine pots, the fragrant aromas of lamb, garlic and lemons waft through the sun-drenched air. The smoke from the charcoal fire creates a haze, a hint of mystery accentuated by the shadows cast…
Irmina Przybylowska and Marta Borowiecka are female entrepreneurs who after gaining years of experience in different firms in Poland, moved to London. They both had different incentives, but the purpose and thought in the back of their heads was the…
Amid the thousands of original, hand-painted “Azulejos,” art exhibitions celebrating the whimsical poetry of Light, and centuries-old furnishings, hospitality, harmony, and intimacy take on new meaning. Here there is such a luxurious emphasis on Lao Tse inspired values and respect…
Jean-Pierre Sergent – French artist, born in the small town of Morteau (1958) in the northeast of France. Studied architecture in Strasbourg and painting at l’école des Beaux-Arts in Besançon (1978-1981). Jean-Pierre settled in Montreal (1991-1992) where he developed his repertory…
Life is colourful and has a lot to offer. To create the life we want, that’s an art. During my life time I was happy to learn that I can complain or I can allow myself to experiment something new,…
It could be the view of a landscape, the look in one’s eyes or a phrase in a song, which triggers something in the soul to get active and to bring something new under the sun. What is driving us…
The Belle Robe Company was founded, founded by Monika Obała 20 years ago in Wrocław. All of dresses are made according to the original ideas of the owner and made in a tiny studio – manufacture, where most of the…
The Etruscans were an ancient people living in Italy, who prospered between the 8th and 7th centuries BC, of Lydian origin from Anatolia, that is, present day Turkey. Like ancient Egypt, the Etruscan culture, which is distinguished by oriental influences,…
Art has (NO) rules. What a controversial subject raising so many questions …Can art be defined? Can we put something that comes from the need of soul and heart into frame or box of rules? On the other hand, can…
If we think of crime in art, we can certainly think of some well-known works of art or pieces of jewellery that have since been considered lost, such as the 100kg gold coin “Big Maple Leaf”, which was stolen from…
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