In the heart of London’s bustling art scene, two individuals with distinct artistic styles find themselves drawn together by a shared passion for creativity. As they embark on a journey of collaboration, their diverse perspectives and techniques blend harmoniously, transcending differences to create something truly extraordinary. This is the story of their artistic union, where contrasts converge to form a masterpiece of unity. What unfolds when a woman of colour encounters a man who favours limited colour palettes and employs distinctive techniques?

LSA: How did the two of you first meet?
BOZENA KRASOWASKA & RAFAL KNAPCZYK: An epic art journey unfolded as I dove into creative collaboration, weaving a tapestry of newness and teamwork. It all began with a chance meeting with Rafał Knapczyk at a bustling art fair in the ancient Lesnes Abbey. Our paths crossed again, sparking a shared vision for the Spring 2024 Abbey Wood Art Fair, a blank canvas waiting for our creative spark. Armed with notes and enthusiasm, I delved into a world of ideas, ready to see our artistic magic come to life.

LSA: The result of this meeting was a recent exhibition held at the Lewisham Polish Centre.
BK & RK: As our creative partnership bloomed, our different artistic backgrounds and current inspirations blended seamlessly. While Rafał wrestled with space in his art, I drew inspiration from my home’s tapestries, eager to showcase my work in new settings. Our joint masterpiece, named “Illusion of Contrast,” showcased the perfect harmony of our unique styles and personalities, proving that together, we could create endless wonders. Through communication, respect, and empathy, we transformed diverse viewpoints into a unified work of art.

LSA: Your styles are so distinct, yet they complement each other perfectly. How did the exhibition impact you?
BK & RK: The exhibition not only fed my artistic soul but also introduced me to fellow creatives with open hearts, alongside encounters with challenging egos that added spice to the artistic realm’s delicate balance. These interactions, both rewarding and challenging, became the forge for connections, artistic celebrations, and fresh inspiration.
LSA: What are your upcoming plans?
BK & RK: Looking forward, a tapestry of projects unfurls on the horizon. March brings the second Abbey Wood Art Fairc (24th March) a hub of creativity in the serene Abbey Wood, boasting a lineup of over 20 artists mainly from London, Kent, and Oxford. Next up, a venture awaits to spotlight Polish artists at the Lewisham Polish Centre on May 19, 2024, a unity celebration in the Polish community and a well of inspiration for all involved. As an ambivert, I sway between solitude and social mingling, following the beat of my soul. While the thought of facing large crowds at exhibitions may stir nerves, I find comfort in sharing my art through interviews and talks. The warmth of fellow creatives fuels my artistic fire, yet I stay humble, knowing that perceptions are beyond my control. In return, I offer transparency, integrity, and respect in every artistic exchange.

LSA: Where can we find you?
FB IG @bozartwork
FB IG @raffgloon
Interview by Agnieszka Kowalczewska
Photography Bluesky Pixels ltd.