I dreamed of a forest. Such a beautiful, green, dense, mysterious, and majestic forest with varying degrees of colour saturation. The green was so deep, intense. It is an almost magical, fairy-tale place, yet close to reality. On one hand, it brings relief and a blissful feeling of peace after cutting off the excess of stimuli flowing from the outside, from the surrounding environment. On the other hand, it evokes a slight fear as it is never entirely possible to predict whether any dangers lurk in its nooks and crannies. But despite everything, it is still a tempting place, even very!
Such an idyllic enigma that acted on me like a catalyst triggering the desire to find images that would perfectly reflect this atmosphere, the mood of these phenomenal wilderness. I like to contemplate with dreams, I do the same with art moving in the world of images. And I found it! Several realizations by Piotr Leczkowski. Madeira – ancient forests, transparent water mirrors, ruins of ancient architecture are such a part of the world preserved in a microscale that hypnotizes and draws you in, allows you to travel and traverse distant lands of imagination. There is eternal spring in Madeira, which can be easily seen in the thicket of greenery, and flowers that can be seen at every step.

It is total silence, being here and now alone with yourself. At one with the surrounding nature. Everyday places take on a completely different dimension. The mood around them changes dramatically. They become mysterious, mesmerizing and sometimes even terrifying. Look at the projects that I have chosen for you. Isn’t there a great and thrilling power in them, captivating with the play of lights and shadows, shimmering accents, and a palette as strong and sonorous as a moon sonata?
Photography by Piotr Leczkowski
Written By Kamila Krzyzaniak