Diamond has not only a financial asset value but also an enormous energy value (in the context of a electromagnetic field)..The word “diamond” is derived from the Greek “adamas”, which means “not to be destroyed” and certainly it is the hardest material. This is the reason why it was always considered timeless and magical. Discovered in Asia, ca. 3000 years ago. Initially, according to beliefs, it was a stone allowing to gain light for the inner self, attract positive energy and as an amulet to protect from evil. As the world has been continuously changing, knowledge and research of energy flow developed too and diamond started to be considered as the stone helping in faster spiritual development, eliminating of energy blockages in the body, cleaning the aura and harmonizing the work of the cerebral hemispheres.
According to some beliefs, it affects our Third Eye, which energizes so strongly that it deepens our intuition, as well as facilitates clairvoyance, telepathy and precognition, helps discovering talents that we don’t expect we have. Diamonds are also called “crystal dreams”, because they increase the awareness of dreams, affect their frequency, and also perpetuate their memorization. To this day, diamonds symbolize truth and perfection because of their indestructibility. According to energy professionals, diamond improves the environment around us, the growth process, prosperity and love life. The stone attracts abundance, strength, courage and fortitude. Diamonds have the power to stop stress emotional pain, fear and protect the owner from negative energy. American esoteric people treat this mineral as the “main tool” of working with subtle bodies and use it to contact other dimensions. Therefore, diamond should be worn during the work by healers, doctors, nurses, psychotherapists – it increases healing properties, enhances intuition and develops clairvoyant. It is also indicated for people working on computers, electronic devices, nuclear devices and quarrying radioactive substances. It is an excellent radiant and if it is located near a computer, fridge or TV, it has a beneficial effect. According to specialized publications, diamond gives us the ability to look to the future and the ability to make accurate and concrete decisions. Also, it helps us in self-realization. So, it connects our past with the future, helping us overcome past problems and enabling us to draw the right conclusions. Regardless of religion or latitude, it was always believed and now scientists confirm that this stone is worth having to be happy, healthy, love and to be loved…Nowadays, there is also an ever-increasing financial value of assets…
Written by Sławomira Elżbieta Pochylska