Video Portrait of artist Jean-Pierre Sergent by Vincent Vernier

French Short documentary film presenting Jean-Pierre Sergent in his studio working on his new Shakti-Yoni series and a short interview. Filmed by Vincent Vernier on November 13 & 22 2019, for Café Gourmand Production.

Jean-Pierre Sergent – French artist, born in the small town of Morteau (1958) in the northeast of France. Studied architecture in Strasbourg and painting at l’école des Beaux-Arts in Besançon (1978-1981). Jean-Pierre settled in Montreal (1991-1992) where he developed his repertory of artistic form and had successively three studios in New York in Brooklyn, Chelsea and Queens (1993-2003), then he returned home to his native France again (2004) in the City of Besançon where he is living and working now.  He has exhibited in France, Canada, the US, Switzerland, England, Austria and China.

Please see all the videos At Work, Interviews and Portraits of JPS: Videos – Interviews & his actualities: News






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