Bees hover next to her, seduced by her life-giving charms. They know this Shona goddess will honor her promises, protect them, so they reward her with the gift of nourishment, their sweetest huchi. Whispering to bees, encouraging them to create,…
Bees hover next to her, seduced by her life-giving charms. They know this Shona goddess will honor her promises, protect them, so they reward her with the gift of nourishment, their sweetest huchi. Whispering to bees, encouraging them to create,…
Life is a struggle these days. Cloistered in her Brazil apartment, unable to dance before live audiences, ballerina Juliana Rodrigues is facing the pain and frustrations of living in a nation grievously impacted by the Pandemic. She usually lives free. Her…
It was a charmed life. Animated dinners with Marc Chagall and Georges Braque, hopscotching from Paris’ Left Bank to the Meditteranean, and driving along the glittering Côte d’Azur. During these evening get-togethers, those art world luminaries would discuss their latest…
Expanding the reach of the Exquisite Corpse had taken a toll. It was stressful to convince artists to play this hide-n-seek game with me. They had to be convinced to activate their subconscious, and to draw torsos, legs, and other…
As the sun set, and a hush descended on Bandar Kong, the women in their rose-colored dresses made last minute preparations for Hana Bandan. It was “Henna Night,” and each decoration marking this festive “new beginning,” the bliss of marriage,…
Able to transform plastic pollution into eco-responsible and poetic flowers, William Amor is an ennobler. A self-taught French visual artist, he turns ugly, discarded plastics, consumer products and waste into sublime objects of beauty. The storyteller, vividly and sensually transmitting…
My hall of death was a daily assault of pressures. I had to console the grieving, arrange various bereavement ceremonies, and also ensure the fire was working properly. Fire is very capricious. Some days it is predictable. Other days it…
Rogoznica is a small, inviting village on the Dalmatian Coast that attracts the rich and famous from all over the world. They shelter their large yachts in gloriously-blue bays, and either retreat to hillside villas or to small restaurants lining…
The fantasies are endless, the eternal, sensual sparkle fascinating women. These enticements come in all shapes, colors, and sizes. The common thread is their illumination, how diamonds, rare pearls, earrings, and rings excite the imagination.Particularly Maxim V’s hand-crafted works. A…
Angelina Jolie was charmed. Exploring Namibia, particularly the Namib savanna with its cavorting rhinoceros, leopards and elephant herds, the intensely-committed environmentalist and actress spoke to the founder of Zannier Hotels about establishing a safe animal conservancy. It ultimately was. Now…
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