Beautiful means authenticity

Henk Van Cauwenbergh– Exclusive Interview

Photographer Henk van Cauwenbergh born in Antwerp and grew up at the Belgian Coast, studied Press and Communication sciences at VUB Brussels and mastered at Ecole des Beaux- Art in Paris. His meeting and collaboration with iconic photographer Peter Lindbergh was definable for his further career. Since 2014 internationally acclaimed Belgian photographer Henk van Cauwenbergh has been crisscrossing Europe armed with his camera and an address book full of attractive places to be and to be seen. The result of these city trips is an enthralling series of beautiful coffee table books showcasing the best and most daring venues for fine dining, sipping cocktails or partying.

These magnificent, large format editions, with their recognizable luxurious black and gold cover design, make the perfect gift book and quickly became collector’s items for anyone appreciating photography and the allure of Europe’s old cities. The images gracing the pages of each volume capture the essence of every city and are counteracted with some stylish, sometimes witty, shots of every city’s most iconic spots and vistas.

How long have you been doing photography for? Did you know that you’d want to become a professional photographer?
I have been taking photos since 1985. I studied press & communication before in Brussels. I wanted to write stories with images.

Do you remember the first moment that sparked your passion for photography?
I was inspired by Peter Lindbergh’s way of purity.

What is beautiful to you, I’m curious about your own definition of it?
Beautiful means for me authenticity: showing people as they are, using beautiful light.

How do you come up with new ideas for your projects, is it a spontaneous idea that randomly comes up in your head, do you plan something in advance or do you get inspired by something that you have seen?
Inspiration follows the way I want to see things. Every moment of the day

How long does it take to bring your ideas to reality, does it take days or longer before the idea becomes a digital image?
Sometimes it takes days or weeks to develop an idea. Sometimes only a few seconds.

Which camera do you use to take your images, is the equipment more important than the act of taking photography or the other way around?
I use my favourite Nikon D850. But the camera is less important than your force of imagination.

What software do you use, do you limit yourself with any enhancements or do you try to get everything in the raw image?
I am old school and want every image to stay pure. Need no software.

What impacts you the most when it comes to creating an idea?
I love to create a story in my head and working it out

Interview by Kamila Krzyzaniak
[email protected]

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